Thursday, September 5, 2019

Othello the Manipulator Essay Example for Free

Othello the Manipulator Essay Shakespeare’s Othello: Iago, the Master Manipulator William Shakespeare’s â€Å"Othello† is a play consumed with deception, jealousy, and revenge, mainly caused by a powerful â€Å"villain† named Iago (1. 1. 28). Although Iago presents himself as everyone’s honest friend, he is always trying to manipulate and deceive them, as shown in his words â€Å"Whip me such honest knaves† (1. 1. 50). This heartless character even manipulates everyone around him including his companions Cassio, Rodrigo, and the Moor, Othello intending to gain power. His actions create a massive amount of jealousy and rage. All of this revenge and manipulation first forms when Cassio is chosen for the position as Othello’s Lieutenant, a job which Iago wanted desperately. This sends Iago into a rage motivated by his hunger for power. His revenge towards Cassio first begins at a celebration when Iago pressures him into having one drink after another knowing Cassio has a low tolerance with alcohol. Under pressure, Cassio argues, â€Å"Not tonight, good Iago: I have very poor and unhappy brains for drinking: I could well wish courtesy would invent some other custom of entertainment† (2. . 1164-1167). Iago’s perfects his manipulation by taking advantage of other’s weaknesses. Iago manipulates both Cassio and Rodrigo into fighting each other which results in Othello taking away Cassio’s title as Lieutenant. Using Cassio’s statement, †She’s a most exquisite lady† Iago is able to use this to conjure a second mastermind plan to have Cassio’s rep utation ruined by convincing Othello that Cassio and Desdemona are having an affair (2. 2. 1152). Although Iago seeks revenge from Cassio for gaining Iago’s desired position as Lieutenant, his main interest of destruction is the Moor Othello, which is the masterpiece of Iago’s many manipulative plots. Iago uses Othello’s beloved wife, Desdemona, to take advantage of Othello’s weakness. Iago implies, â€Å"Cassio my lord? No, sure, I cannot think it; That he would steal away so guilty-like, Seeing your coming† (3. 3. 1668-70). Iago’s coy assumption of Cassio overcomes Othello, making Othello think Iago is an honest friend he can trust. This gained trust makes Iago’s plans of destruction much easier to accomplish. Iago, also, makes Othello overhear a conversation between Iago and Cassio, which he believes he is about Desdemona, when in fact their conversation is about Cassio’s prostitute Bianca. As the two men laugh and tell sexual stories, Othello goes into a jealous rage, at the thought of Cassio having these relations with Desdemona. Iago multiplies Othello’s rage as he talks about the situation, â€Å"Did you perceive how he laughed at his vice? † (4. . 2602). He convinces Emilia to take Desdemona’s handkerchief, which was Othello’s first significant gift to her. Iago sets the situation up so that the sacred handkerchief will be found in Cassio’s room, and later is given to Cassio by Bianca in front of Othello. As Iago pumps more deceitful lies of Cassio and Desdemona’s affair into Othello’s head, Iago says, â€Å"And did you see the handkerchief? à ¢â‚¬ ¦and to see how he prizes the foolish woman your wife! She gave it him, and he hath given it his whore† (4. 1. 2604-08). Othello, having seen this will have all the evidence he needs to suspect Cassio of the affair. Iago then manipulates Othello into killing his loyal wife by suggesting, â€Å"Do it not with poison, strangle her in her bed, even the bed she hath contaminated† (4. 2. 2638-39). Iago’s over whelming hunger for power is also shown though his best companion, Rodrigo, whom is also in love with Desdemona. Discovering that Desdemona and Othello are married, frantic Rodrigo confides in Iago and asks, â€Å"What should I do? I confess it is my shame to be so fond; but it is not in my virtue to amend it† (1. . 673-676). As a master of deception, Iago proves to Rodrigo that Desdemona’s heart will be easily won by his lavish expensive gifts. With Rodrigo’s excessive amount of savings, Iago purchases these gifts that are intentionally for Desdemona and sells them for his profit. Secondly, Iago convinces Rodrigo into thinking that Cassio and Emilia are having an aff air. Iago manipulates Rodrigo into fighting Cassio at the celebration. Iago persuades Rodrigo by saying, Watch you to-night; for the command, I’ll lay’t upon you. Cassio knows you not. I’ll not be far from you: do you find some occasion to anger Cassio, either by speaking too loud, or tainting his discipline; or from what other course you please, which the time shall more favorable minister (2. 1. 1064-70) In conclusion, Iago’s deception and manipulation plan to gain power completely fails as everything falls to pieces. When Iago’s wife, Emilia, reveals Desdemona’s loyalty to Othello and all of Iago’s lies, it is far too late. After Othello murders his wife, he finds out all of Iago’s â€Å"honest words† were all lies and catches Iago in the act. In the final scene, Iago says, â€Å"Demand me nothing: what you know, you know: from this time forth I never will speak word† (5. 2. 3665-66). In the end, Iago manipulated everyone around him so he could gain personal power. However, his selfish goal of power is never reached and nothing is gained from Iago’s manipulative actions. Iago’s excessive lies and actions show that he is the main cause for so many problems containing deception, jealousy, rage, and revenge. Work Cited Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice. The Norton Shakespeare: Tragedies. 2nd ed. Ed. Stephen Greenblatt. New York: W. W. Norton, 2008, 425-507.

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